Motor Vehicle Business License Information

Anyone that sells, displays for sale, offers for sale, exchanges, manufactures, distributes, transports, dismantles or crushes motor vehicles, acts as a salesperson for a dealer, acts as a distributor or factory representative or operates a body shop must obtain one of the following licenses from MVED:

  • New motor vehicle or large trailer dealer’s license: allows the dealer to sell and dismantle new and used motor vehicles, new and used trailers 2000 lbs and up, and operate a body shop.
  • Used motor vehicle dealer’s license: allows the dealer to sell and dismantle used motor vehicles, used trailers 2000 lbs and up, and operate a body shop.
  • New motorcycle and small trailer dealer license: allows the dealer to sell and dismantle new and used motorcycles, snowmobiles, offhighway vehicles and small trailers. A small trailer is a trailer with an unladen weight of 750–1999 pounds.
  • Used motorcycle and small trailer dealer license: allows the dealer to sell and dismantle used motorcycles, snowmobiles, offhighway vehicles and small trailers. A small trailer is a trailer with an unladen weight of 750–1999 pounds.
  • Motor vehicle manufacturer’s or remanufacturer’s license: allows the licensee to manufacture or remanufacture motor vehicles subject to registration under the Motor Vehicle Act. Manufacturers must issue and install vehicle identification numbers. Manufacturers may, after notifying the department, authorize dealers to sell their product.
  • Motor vehicle transporter’s license: Licensed transporters are allowed to transport motor vehicles from a manufacturing, assembling, or distribution point to dealers or distributors, to or from detail or repair shops, and to financial institutions and storage areas from points of repossession.
  • Dismantler’s license: allows the licensee to dismantle motor vehicles for resale of parts, for salvage, or for selling vehicles to a crusher or another dismantler.
  • Distributor, factory branch, or distributor branch license: allows the licensee to sell and distribute new motor vehicles and parts to their authorized dealers.
  • Representative’s license: allows an individual to act as a representative of a distributor, factory branch, or distributor branch.
  • Salesperson’s license: allows an individual to act as a salesperson for a new or used motor vehicle dealer or new or used motorcycle or small trailer dealer.
  • Body Shop license: allows the licensee to act as a body shop.
  • Crusher’s license: allows the licensee to crush or shred motor vehicles to reduce the materials to a more compact size for recycling.
  • Salvage Buyers license: allows an individual to purchase salvage vehicles on behalf of a dealer, bodyshop or dismantler at a salvage auction.
  • Salvage Acquisition: allows an out of state dealer, bodyshop or dismantler to license two salvage buyers to purchase salvage vehicles at a Utah salvage auction on their behalf.
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