Salvage Buyer License


Application Form TC-305 must be filled out completely. The salvage buyer applicant and the owner of the dealership, body shop or dismantler must sign the form.

  • All applicants must also be licensed in Utah as one of the following: Dealer, Body Shop or Dismantler.
  • Please submit a passport quality photo of the salvage buyer applicant. Photo should only show the head and shoulders. No photos smaller than passport size or larger than 5×7.


License fees are as follows:

  • Salvage Buyer’s License $203.00
  • Renewal $203.00

The salvage buyer license is renewed annually at the conclusion of the Tax Commission’s fiscal year, June 30th. License fee is not pro-rated and all licenses will expire on that date, regardless of the issue date, if not renewed prior to June 30th each year.

Make checks payable to: Utah State Tax Commission

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