Transaction Disclosure Form FAQ

What charges can be included in the “Optional charges” section?

The “Optional charges” section may only include charges for goods or services that the purchaser may decline and still be permitted to purchase the vehicle for the negotiated price. If the negotiated sale price includes certain goods or services, then the charges for those goods or services is not considered optional.

If there are more than 6 optional charges, can an addendum be used?

Yes, an addendum to form TC-466 may be used. If an addendum is used, the total from the addendum must be listed within lines a-f of the “optional charges” section of form TC-466. Additionally, if an addendum is used, the “total optional charges” on line 4 must include the total of amounts listed on any addendum.

What type of vehicle sales require a completed TC-466?

The sale by a dealer of any new or used motor vehicle as defined in Section 41-3-102 must be accompanied by a completed form TC-466.

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